April Lopez, LBSW-IPR-S is a Licensed Bachelor Social Worker with Independent Practice Recognition. She has been practicing social work since 2002 and started her career working for the Department of Family and Protective Services. She is an approved provider for the Travis County Domestic Relations Office to conduct adoption home assessments. Adoption home studies are an intense and invasive process and it is my goal to help you understand and complete the process as quickly as possible. Although the process is not difficult it is paperwork heavy and at times confusing.
Please note that no home study will be approved where the child being adopted is not aware of the adoption and is of age and ability where they can understand this.
There are documents required for all types of adoption home studies. These can be found by scrolling down on this web page past the pictures.
There is a section for all home study types with forms every family needs to complete. Additional documentation is required for each type of home study and those documents can be found under the specific title that correlates with the adoption type. Payment information is listed in the contract under each type of study.
All documents should be submitted to April Lopez and Associates at 110 N IH35, Suite 315, #153, Round Rock, Texas or to april@aprillopezandassociates.org prior to a home visit being completed. April can send an encrypted email to you so that that all replies will be encrypted to protect your information.
Payment is accepted in the form of cash, check and credit card and the non-refundable deposit is due prior to the scheduling of the home visit.
Post Placement Visits (PPV's) are required if the child has not been in the home for six month's at the time of the initial home study visit. There is an additional fee and contract for PPV's.
The purpose of these visits is to monitor the progress of bonding, monitor the child's health, answer parenting questions and assess the overall adjustment of the family to having the adoptive child in the home.
The number and frequency of PPV's is determined by the child placing agency you are working with for the placement of the child in your care. If you are not working with an agency, then at least one PPV will be scheduled approaching the sixth month of placement.
This home study is needed for a single person looking to adopt a child.
This home study is needed for step parents and same sex couples looking to adopt their spouse's/partner's child/children.
This home study is needed for two married individuals looking to adopt a child who is not the birthed or adopted child of either party.